Listen to songs I’m currently loving!

My taste in music has always been eclectic. I listen to what makes me feel good. Sometimes that’s folk music, sometimes it’s pop, sometimes it’s classic rock…and you know what, sometimes it’s Julie Andrews belting “Do-Re-Mi’ from Sound of Music. 

Morning walks with my dog, Chilli, are a part of my daily routine. They’re as much a meditative practice as they are a necessity. Both for me, and for Chilli. During my morning walk, I always listen to music. 

 Here in the north, wearing headphones to listen to music when you’re out in the bush is a big no-no because it makes it that much harder to hear the noises around you, and those noises are often subtle and also important. They might be an animal. A quad. Another person. So, I play my music out loud. Sometimes I walk to the beat of the music, and often I sing along. Badly. (Hey, I never claimed to be musical!) I do this because it makes me feel good. It adds a soundtrack to this particular part of my day. At a practical level, it’s noise. And anyone who’s lived in “bear territory” knows that noise is important. It lets the animals know you’re “comin’ through”. 

 I derive a great deal of happiness from the songs I listen to. They help me see the beauty around me. They conjure up memories of the past and dreams of the future. They inspire me and encourage me. Really, they lift me up. 

 It’s my hope that some of these current favourites will do the same for you.

  • Fall 2022 Playlist

    This playlist includes songs from the Allah-Las, Drug Cabin, Nature TV, and others.